BritNed sells explicit capacity on our interconnector to transport electricity between Great Britain and The Netherlands. We make this explicit capacity available through a range of auctions that take place throughout year.

In an explicit auction, only transmission capacity is being auctioned. Any customer who wins capacity will receive Transmission Rights to use the interconnector for the duration of the Product Period. The customer will still need to purchase or produce the electricity that they want to transport between Great Britain and The Netherlands.

BritNed only offers explicit auctions and these are held for Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday timeframes.

When is the next auction?
Our Long Term auctions are held at various times throughout the year.

Day Ahead and Intraday auctions are held at the same time everyday. For a complete overview of when our auctions are taking place, see our Auction Schedules.

Auction Schedules
After you acquire capacity through a Long Term, Day Ahead or Intraday auction, you will need to inform BritNed that you intended to use the capacity.

This is done by nominating your capacity on Empire. For a summary of the Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday nomination gates, please see our nominations overview.

Nominations Overview