These dashboards provide a simple overview of what is happening with BritNed auctions and nominations for any given delivery day

Below you will find summaries of the Day Ahead and Intraday auctions that we run on Empire along with our nominations for each delivery day. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Day Ahead Auctions

BritNed runs a Day Ahead auction every day between 08:50 and 09:10 CE(S)T for delivery on the next day. Customers that acquire capacity in this auction have until 13:50 CE(S)T on the same day of the auction to tell BritNed that they intend to use this capacity (i.e. nominate). Each Day Ahead auction covers 24 hours and each hour will have its own results. The graph below shows the results of the Day Ahead auction across the 24 hours delivery period.

For the charts below:

  • Offered Capacity (MW): The amount of capacity BritNed and Customers (via Long Term Use It or Sell It) have put into the auction for sale.
  • Requested Capacity (MW): The total amount of capacity Customers requested to purchase in the Day Ahead auction.
  • Allocated Capacity (MW): The amount of capacity that was allocated in the Day Ahead auction, it will often match the Offered Capacity amount unless the Requested Capacity is lower than the Offered Capacity.
  • Nominated Capacity (MW): Shows the amount of Allocated Capacity that was nominated for use by our Customers.
  • Marginal Price (€/MWh): This is the price of the capacity for the hour. Price can clear at €0 but will never be negative.
  • Data Not Available: This will show if the data hasn’t been published on Empire.

Intraday auctions

BritNed runs 4 Intraday auctions every day. Intraday 1 takes place on the day before delivery with auctions 2 to 4 taking place on the day of delivery. All times are CE(S)T:

  • Intraday 1: 19:30 to 20:00 (covers 00:00 to 07:59)
  • Intraday 2: 05:50 to 06:20 (covers 08:00 to 11:59)
  • Intraday 3: 09:50 to 10:20 (covers 12:00 to 15:59)
  • Intraday 4: 13:50 to 14:20 (covers 16:00 to 23:59)

Customers that acquire capacity in any of these auctions will need to tell BritNed if they intend to use this capacity (i.e. nominate).  The graph below shows the results of all 4 auctions across the 24 hours delivery period.

For the charts below:

  • Offered Capacity (MW): The amount of capacity BritNed put into the auction for sale. BritNed will always offer the full available capacity unless we have received an instruction from NGESO or TenneT to reduce this Offered Capacity.
  • Requested Capacity (MW): The total amount of capacity Customers requested to purchase in the Intraday auction.
  • Allocated Capacity (MW): The amount of capacity that was allocated in the Intraday auction, it will often match the Offered Capacity amount unless the Requested Capacity is lower than the Offered Capacity.
  • Nominated Capacity (MW): Shows the amount of Allocated Capacity that was nominated for use by our Customers.
  • Marginal Price (€/MWh): This is the price of the capacity for the hour. Price can clear at €0 but will never be negative.
  • Data Not Available: This will show if the data hasn’t been published on Empire.

Nominations Overview

Customers that acquire capacity in any of our auctions will need to tell BritNed if they intend to use this capacity (i.e. nominate). BritNed has nomination gates that are specific to each product.  All times are CE(S)T:

  • Long Term: Day before delivery (i.e. D-1) at 08:30
  • Day Ahead: Day before delivery (i.e. D-1) at 13:50
  • Intraday: 70 minutes before each delivery hour (e.g. 02:50 for delivery hour 04:00 to 05:00)

For the charts below:

  • Long Term: Shows nominations received for each direction
  • Day Ahead: Shows nominations received for each direction
  • Intraday: Shows nominations received for each direction
  • Netted Nominations: Shows the latest flow position for each hour based on all Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday nominations received for that hour